We organize research talks and paper reading clubs. Below are the events we organized in the past – see also our list of upcoming events.

When Event Speaker
12-Feb-2025 “Flaky Tests at Exact”, Master Thesis Defense George Vegelien
06-Feb-2025 LLM Agents for Program Repair and Project Setup Michael Pradel
06-Feb-2025 PhD Defense: Machine Learning-assisted Software Analysis Amir Mir
05-Feb-2025 SERG Seminar Quentin Le Dilavrec, Carolin Brandt
22-Jan-2025 SERG Seminar Eileen Kapel, Daniele Cipollone
15-Jan-2025 SERG Seminar Antony Bartlett, Tolgahan Bardakcı
11-Dec-2024 SERG Seminar Ali Al-Kaswan, Ali Khatami
20-Nov-2024 SERG Seminar Asato Yamazaki, Clinton Cao
06-Nov-2024 MSc Defenese Andrei Ionescu
06-Nov-2024 PhD Go/NoGo session Agnia Sergeyuk
30-Oct-2024 SERG Seminar Amir Deljouyi, ?
23-Oct-2024 SERG Seminar Enrique Barba Roque, Berkay Gülcan
16-Oct-2024 SERG Meeting: Intro Cathrine + Matteo’s visiting Master Thesis Cathrine Paulsen, Aprile Matteo
16-Oct-2024 PhD Go/NoGo session Egor Bogomolov
14-Oct-2024 PhD Defense: Enhancing the Security of Software Supply Chains: Methods and Practices Mehdi Keshani
11-Oct-2024 MSc Defense: Static Deadlock Analysis for Kotlin Coroutines Bob Brockbernd
24-Sep-2024 Towards Faster and Greener Intelligent Code Generation Dr. Xiaoning Du
11-Sep-2024 Research on Architectural Refactoring for Evolvable Microservice Boundaries Chenxing Zhong
29-Jul-2024 Smart, Transformer-based Invocation of Code Completion Aral de Moor
16-Jul-2024 Master Thesis Defense: Coverage-Guided Testing of Graph Processing Applications Melchior Oudemans
09-Jul-2024 Seminar Software Testing Andreas Zeller, Xavier Devroey
08-Jul-2024 PhD Defense: Test Amplification For and With Developers Carolin Brandt
19-Jun-2024 PhD Defense: More Effective Test Case Generation with Multiple Tribes of AI Mitchell Olsthoorn
29-May-2024 Towards improving automated unit test generation for machine learning libraries using structured input data Lucas Berg
21-May-2024 Software Supply Chain Seminar: Bridging Theory & Practice Anders Møller (Aarhus/Coana), Ivan Pashchenko (TomTom), Fabio Massacci (VU), Henrik Plate (Endor)
21-May-2024 PhD Defense: Fine-grained Analysis of Software Supply Chains Joseph Hejderup
08-May-2024 Precise Temporal Analysis Of Source Code Histories At Scale Quentin Le Dilavrec
10-Apr-2024 On the Effectiveness of Machine Learning-based Call Graph Pruning: An Empirical Study Amir Mir
02-Apr-2024 Lincheck: A Practical Framework for Testing Concurrent Data Structures on JVM Nikita Koval (JetBrains)
27-Mar-2024 Traces of Memorisation in Large Language Models for Code Ali Al-Kaswan
13-Mar-2024 Investigating energy hotspots in Docker images. Enrique Barba Roque
06-Mar-2024 Is Your Anomaly Detector Ready for Change? Adapting AIOps Solutions to the Real World Lorena Poenaru-Olaru
28-Feb-2024 Learning state machine models from software logs and how to use them for anomaly detection Sicco Verwer
21-Feb-2024 From Fairness to Visual ML Testing Arumoy Shome
14-Feb-2024 Research visit - Lessons learned with Caro and Mark Carolin Brandt, Mark Swillus
07-Feb-2024 Goodbye SERG Sara Regali
31-Jan-2024 A Domain Specific Language for Testing Consensus Implementations Srinidhi Nagendra
17-Jan-2024 Introduction of Research Engineering and Infrastructure Team Azza Ahmed, Soren Wacker
08-Dec-2023 Ripple Project Celebration Cake Party Annibale Panichella, Burcu Kulahcioglu Ozkan
01-Dec-2023 GeoBuckets: Enabling Multi-Master Geo-Replication with CRDTs for Scality’s RING Joao Neto
13-Nov-2023 Digital Twins for Sustainability Assessment: Look twice and more closely Judith Michael
05-Oct-2023 Decidable verification under causal consistency via potential-based semantics Ori Lahav
04-Oct-2023 Explainable Software Engineering: Rethinking the full SE life cycle Arie van Deursen
06-Sep-2023 A Changing Landscape: On Safety and Open Source in Automated and Connected Driving Sangeeth Kochanthara
06-Sep-2023 Naturalness and Bimodality of Software, and the practical use of Language Models Prem Devanbu (University of California, Davis)
23-Jun-2023 Master Thesis Defense: Testing Distributed Database Isolation through Anti-Pattern Detection Jason Qiu
21-Jun-2023 Machine Learning-based Call Graph Pruning Amir M. Mir
20-Jun-2023 Master Thesis Defense: Bug Detection in Distributed Systems with Platform-independent Fault Injection: A Case Study at Adyen Nick Dekker
14-Jun-2023 Checking Distributed Database Isolation through Anti-Pattern Detection Jason Qiu
26-Apr-2023 What’s beyond the accuracy of code models? Zhou Yang
21-Apr-2023 Creating Usable and Useful Software Tools Gail Murphy
24-Mar-2023 Software Architecture at Adyen Maurício Aniche (Adyen)
22-Mar-2023 Use-Inspired Research David C. Shepherd
21-Mar-2023 Software Architecture at Miro Murat Ozkan and Tom Stoepker (Miro)
15-Mar-2023 SERG talk Amir Deljouyi
14-Mar-2023 Evolution of the Unix System Architecture (IN4315 lecture) Diomidis Spinellis
08-Mar-2023 SERG talk Shujun Huang
07-Mar-2023 Promoting Human Flourishing through Ethical Software Development Michael Hilton, CMU
15-Feb-2023 SERG talk: SBOM vs. SBOM: Why can the same app have two different SBOMs Henrik Platte (EndorLabs)
01-Feb-2023 Sentiment in Software Engineering: Detection and Application Nathan Cassee
25-Jan-2023 SERG talk Shujun Huang
18-Jan-2023 Extending Source Code Pre-Trained Language Models to Summarise Decompiled Binaries Ali Al-Kaswan
21-Dec-2022 SERG talk: Reproducible publication research on the desktop Diomidis Spinellis
20-Dec-2022 PhD Thesis Defense: Recommender Systems for DevOps Chandra Maddila
20-Dec-2022 SERG talk: Recommenders for DevOps Chandra Maddila (Meta)
07-Dec-2022 SERG talk: On the Relation of Method Popularity to Breaking Changes in the Maven Ecosystem Mehdi Keshani
30-Nov-2022 SERG talk: An Empirical Study of Software Vulnerabilties via Fine-grained Analysis in Maven Amir M. Mir
23-Nov-2022 SERG talk: Probabilistic Concurrency Testing Burcu Kulahcioglu Ozkan
09-Nov-2022 Advisory Council ICT Assessments: First Impressions Arie van Deursen
08-Nov-2022 Invited Talk Yutaro Kashiwa
12-Sep-2022 PhD Thesis Defense on XLBlocks: On the Effect of a Visual Language on Formula Creation and Comprehension in Spreadsheets Bas Jansen
12-Sep-2022 Master Thesis Defense on Probabilistic Concurrency Testing for Weak Memory Concurrency Mingyu Gao
30-Aug-2022 Master Thesis Defense on Guided Metamorphic Transformations for Testing the Robustness of Trained Code2Vec Models Ruben Marang
16-Aug-2022 Master Thesis Defense on Evolutionary Distributed Concurrency Testing of Blockchain Consensus Algorithms Martijn van Meerten
06-Jul-2022 UPGRADVISOR: Early Adopting Dependency Updates Using Hybrid Program Analysis and Hardware Tracing Yaniv David
27-Jun-2022 Master Thesis Defense on User-Guided Test Amplification Danyao Wang
15-Jun-2022 SERG talk: Utilizing Lingual Structures to Enhance Transformer Performance in Source Code Completions Jonathan B. Katzy
01-Jun-2022 Well-Typed Programs Can Go Wrong: Enhancing the Reliability of Static Typing in Compilers Thodoris Sotiropoulos
18-May-2022 On trade-off in software engineering: a way toward sustainability June Sallou
16-May-2022 Data Validation for Machine Learning Arumoy Shome
04-May-2022 Data Smells in Public Datasets Arumoy Shome
20-Apr-2022 SERG talk: Test Case Readability and Understandability Hidde Bolijn
13-Apr-2022 SERG talk: Type4Py (ICSE’22 paper) Amir M. Mir
08-Apr-2022 Code Velocity: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Gunnar Kudrjavets
07-Apr-2022 Research Workflows Meetup
06-Apr-2022 SERG talk: Type Inference in JavaScript for Test Case Generation Dimitri Stallenberg
02-Mar-2022 Evolution of the Unix System Architecture (Guest Lecture IN4315 Software Architecture) Diomidis Spinellis
02-Mar-2022 On the Effectiveness of SBSE Techniques through Instance Space Analysis Aldeida Aleti
23-Feb-2022 Description Generation and OS Contributions Carolin Brandt
16-Feb-2022 Testing and Explaining the Behavior of Code Intelligence Models Rafiqul Islam Rabin
19-Jan-2022 Learning from timeseries Georgios Gousios
17-Dec-2021 SERG Reading & Review Club: Nix: A Safe and Policy-Free System for Software Deployment
08-Dec-2021 Genetic Program Repair using GHC, QuickCheck & Typed Holes Leonhard Applis
24-Nov-2021 Multi-token Code Completion by Jointly Learning from Structure and Naming Sequences Mali Izadi
10-Nov-2021 Frankenstein: Fast and Lightweight Call Graph Generation for Software Builds Mehdi Keshani
21-Oct-2021 Dual Channel Constraints and Natural Type Inference Earl Barr (UCL, UK)
19-Oct-2021 IN4334 guest lecture: Effort estimation Elvan Kula
13-Oct-2021 Human-bot interaction on Pull Requests: The whys and wherefores… and future directions Mairieli Wessel
07-Oct-2021 IN4334 guest lecture: ML4SE at Microsoft Chandra Maddila
05-Oct-2021 IN4334 guest lecture: Gender Bias in SE Alexander Serebrenik
28-Sep-2021 IN4334 guest lecture: ML4SE Georgios Gousios
17-Sep-2021 Go-NoGo Meeting: Leonhard Applis Leonhard Applis
16-Sep-2021 IN4334 guest lecture: How to Run a Meeting Greg Wilson
08-Sep-2021 SERG talk: Privacy Preserving Deep Learning for Medical Imaging Arumoy Shome
16-Jul-2021 SERG Reading & Review Club:
14-Jul-2021 SERG talk: Research Workflow in Plain Text Using Emacs and org-mode Arumoy Shome
09-Jul-2021 Master Thesis Defense on Recommender Systems with Evolutionary Algorithms: Many-Objective Optimization for Large-Scale Music Recommendation Sharwin Bobde
07-Jul-2021 SERG talk: Automatic Test Suite Generation for Key-Points Detection DNNs using Many-Objective Search Donghwan Shin, SnT, University of Luxembourg
02-Jul-2021 Master Thesis Defense on A Static-Based Approach to Detect SQL Semantic Bugs Claudiu Ion
30-Jun-2021 SERG talk: Better Test Generation via Multiple information sources Pouria Derakhshanfar
25-Jun-2021 SERG Reading & Review Club: FlakeFlagger: Predicting Flakiness Without Rerunning Tests
23-Jun-2021 TestKnight: Testing plugin for IntelliJ IDEA Cristian-Alexandru Botocan, Piyush Deshmukh, Jorge Romeu Huidobro, Pavlos Makridis, Mathanrajan Sundarrajan
23-Jun-2021 Master Thesis Defense on TestAxis: Save Time Fixing Broken CI Builds Without Leaving Your IDE Casper Boone
23-Jun-2021 SERG talk: SynTest - A framework for generating synthetic tests for programs based on JavaScript Mitchell Olsthoorn
18-Jun-2021 Towards a Model of Testers’ Cognitive Processes SERG Reading Club
16-Jun-2021 Guest lecture CSE1110, QA at Picnic Julia Zarachneva, Picnic
16-Jun-2021 SERG talk: JUGE, An Infrastructure for Benchmarking Java Unit Test Generators Xavier Devroey
14-Jun-2021 Guest lecture CSE1110, software testing panel with former students Tim van der Lippe, Gijs Weterings, Chak Shun Yu, Chris Langhout, and Eva Anker
14-Jun-2021 Guest lecture CS4300, Felienne Hermans and Hyrum Wright Felienne Hermans and Hyrum Wright
11-Jun-2021 SERG Reading & Review Club: Paper TBD
10-Jun-2021 Guest lecture CS4300, Diomidis Spinellis and Marc Philipp Diomidis Spinellis and Marc Philipp
09-Jun-2021 Guest lecture CSE1110, software testing at Nubank and DigitalOcean Rafael Ferreira and Hugo Corbucci
07-Jun-2021 Guest lecture CSE1110 on interaction testing Steve Freeman
04-Jun-2021 SERG Reading & Review Club: Paper TBD
18-May-2021 Master Thesis for finding and communicating anomalies in NetFlow data using machine learning Dion de Hoog
12-May-2021 SERG talk Amir Mir,
07-May-2021 SERG Reading & Review Club: Code Review
30-Apr-2021 SERG Reading & Review Club: Utilizing a Journal Club to Build Research Competencies
30-Apr-2021 Master Thesis Defense on using machine learning for predicting refactoring opportunities in industry code David van der Leij
28-Apr-2021 Software Testing Quantum Network Applications Ravisankar Ashak Kumar Vattekat
23-Apr-2021 SERG Reading & Review Club: Build Systems and Build Philosophy
23-Apr-2021 Master Thesis Defense on EyeIDEA: Paving the Way Towards an Augmented Eye-Tracking IDE Arjan Langerak
22-Apr-2021 PhD Defense: Carving Information Sources to Drive Search-based Crash Reproduction and Test Case Generation Pouria Derakhshanfar
21-Apr-2021 SERG talk Sohon Roy
16-Apr-2021 SERG Reading Club: Socio-Technical Grounded Theory for Software Engineering
14-Apr-2021 SERG talk Vivek Arora
07-Apr-2021 SERG talk Jeanderson Barros Cândido, Timothy Zemp
31-Mar-2021 SERG talk Carolin Brandt
24-Mar-2021 SERG talk Andy Zaidman, and Leonhard Applis
24-Mar-2021 PhD Defense: Data-Driven Software Engineering Vladimir Kovalenko
19-Mar-2021 SERG Reading Club: Code Search from Software Engineering at Google
19-Mar-2021 Architecting for Business as Unusual (Guest Lecture IN4315 Software Architecture) Daniel Gebler, Picnic
18-Mar-2021 PhD Defense: Supporting Quality In Test Code For Higher Quality Software Systems Davide Spadini
12-Mar-2021 SERG Reading & Review Club: Vivek: Secure Software Engineering
10-Mar-2021 Architecting for Operations (Guest Lecture IN4315 Software Architecture) Steffan Norberhuis
05-Mar-2021 SERG Reading & Review Club: Measuring Engineering Productivity
05-Mar-2021 Architecting for Scalability (Guest Lecture IN4315 Software Architecture) Bert Wolters (Adyen)
03-Mar-2021 Evolution of the Unix System Architecture (Guest Lecture IN4315 Software Architecture) Diomidis Spinellis
26-Feb-2021 SERG Reading & Review Club: How Developers Engineer Test Cases (Mauricio)
19-Feb-2021 SERG Reading & Review Club: Developer-Friendly Test Amplification (Carolin)
12-Feb-2021 SERG Reading & Review Club: Type4Py: Deep Similarity Learning-Based Type Inference for Python
27-Jan-2021 SERG talk: Guidelines for Improving Paper and Peer Review Quality Diomidis Spinellis, Athens University of Economics and Business and Delft University of Techology
16-Dec-2020 SERG talk: A Model for Detecting Faults in Build Specifications Thodoris Sotiropoulos, Athens University of Economics and Business
09-Dec-2020 SERG talk: Continuous Integration Anti-pattern Detection via Static and Dynamic Pipeline Analysis Carmine Vassallo, University of Zurich
30-Nov-2020 Master Thesis Defense on Investigating Dependency Code Reuse Using Callgraphs Algirdas Jokubauskas
25-Nov-2020 SERG talk: Will It Rain Today? Understanding the Weather of Computing Clouds, Before it Happens Alexandru Iosup, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
19-Nov-2020 Master Thesis Defense on Machine Learning for Software Refactoring: a large-scale empirical study Jan Gerling
18-Nov-2020 Master Thesis Defense on Agile XL in Globally Distributed Environments Jens Voortman
11-Nov-2020 SERG talk: Testing Consensus Implementations Using Communication Closure Burcu Kulahcioglu Ozkan
09-Nov-2020 Master Thesis Defense on Test Code Comprehension: Insights from an Eye Tracker Sharanya Konandur
06-Nov-2020 SERG Reading Club: Sampling in Software Engineering Research: A Critical Review and Guidelines
04-Nov-2020 SERG talk: Research at Adyen in 2020 Maurício Aniche
30-Oct-2020 SERG Reading Club: Characterizing industry-academia collaborations in software engineering: evidence from 101 projects
28-Oct-2020 SERG talk: Questions for Data Scientists in Software Engineering: A Replication Ayushi Rastogi
23-Oct-2020 SERG Reading Club: Experiences from conducting semi-structured interviews in empirical software engineering research
21-Oct-2020 SERG talk: Revisiting Test Smells in Automatically Generated Tests: Limitations, Pitfalls, and Opportunities Annibale Panichella
20-Oct-2020 Master Thesis Defense on A Distributed and Scalable Real-Time Log Analysis Rick Proost
16-Oct-2020 SERG Reading Club: Diversity in software engineering research
09-Oct-2020 SERG Reading Club: The Nature of Theory in Information Systems
22-Sep-2020 Master Thesis Defense on Using Deep Learning to Detect Off-by-One Errors in Java Source Code Hendrig Sellik
18-Sep-2020 SERG Reading Club: Internal Paper
16-Sep-2020 Master Thesis Defense on Automatically Identifying Parameter Constraints for Complex Web APIs: A Case Study at Adyen Henk Grent
16-Sep-2020 SERG talk: Designing objectives for search-based crash reproduction Pouria Derakhshanfar
15-Sep-2020 Master Thesis Defense on Expanding Search-Based Software Modularization to Enterprise-Level Projects: A Case Study at Adyen Casper Schroder
14-Sep-2020 Master Thesis Defense on Reducing human error in Online Controlled Experiments Martijn Steenbergen
11-Sep-2020 SERG Reading Club: Building Theories in Software Engineering
09-Sep-2020 SERG talk: Test them all, is it worth it? Testing variability-intensive software systems Xavier Devroey
02-Sep-2020 PhD Defense: Augmented fine-grained defect prediction for code review Luca Pascarella
24-Jul-2020 Master Thesis Defense on Language-agnostic Incremental Code Clone Detection Stavrangelos Gamvrinos
22-Jul-2020 Master Thesis Defense on Studying the ML Lifecycle and Improving Code Quality of ML Applications Mark Haakman
07-Jul-2020 Master Thesis Defense: Systematic literature reviews: A Case Study in FinTech and Automated Tool Support Wim Spaargaren
07-Jul-2020 Master Thesis Defense on The Effect of Good First Issue Indicators upon Newcomer Developers David Alderliesten
06-Jul-2020 Master Thesis Defense on Inferring Personality from GitHub Communication Data: Promises & Perils Frenk van Mil
25-Jun-2020 SERG Reading Club: Selecting Empirical Methods for Software Engineering Research
24-Jun-2020 PhD Defense: The Application Perspective of Mutation Testing Qianqian Zhu
23-Jun-2020 Master Thesis Defense: Automated Crash Fault Localization Sven Popping
18-Jun-2020 SERG Reading Club: Building Theories from Multiple Evidence Sources
17-Jun-2020 CD4ML and the challenges of testing and quality in ML systems Danilo Sato, ThoughtWorks
11-Jun-2020 Developers Aptitude For Software Security: A Mixed Method Approach For Knowledge Translation to Integrate Software And Security Vivek Arora
10-Jun-2020 SERG talk: Tag Recommendation For Software Repositories Maliheh Izadi
03-Jun-2020 SERG talk: JCrashPack2.0: Search-based crash reproduction hardness analysis Boris Cherry
28-May-2020 SERG Reading Club: Causality vs Correlation
27-May-2020 Master Thesis Defense: Investigating the Perception and Effects of Misunderstandings in Java Code Chris Langhout
20-May-2020 Midway: The state of the FASTEN project after 1 1/2 years Georgios Gousios
14-May-2020 SERG Reading Club: Guidelines for performing Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering, Part 2
13-May-2020 SERG Lunch: A Simple Implementation of the Delta Maintainability Model Arie van Deursen
07-May-2020 SERG Reading Club: Guidelines for performing Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering Everyone
06-May-2020 SERG Lunch: Annibale Panichella
01-May-2020 Data-driven Log Recommendation Jeanderson Candido
22-Apr-2020 SERG Lunch: Deep Learning Type Inference for Dynamic Programming Languages Amir Mir
15-Apr-2020 SERG Lunch: Well-informed Test Case Generation and Crash Reproduction Pouria Derakhshanfar
08-Apr-2020 SERG Lunch: Improving SPLs test suites using adversarial generation Paul Temple
01-Apr-2020 SERG Lunch: Ecosystem-Scale Call Graph Construction Mehdi Keshani
25-Mar-2020 SERG Lunch: How to Analyze Build Logs using Chunk Retrieval Carolin Brandt
18-Mar-2020 Safe and Secure Software using Software Verification Robbert Krebbers
04-Mar-2020 SERG Lunch: Exploiting Human-Factors in Software Maintenance and Evolution Gemma Catolino
19-Feb-2020 SERG Lunch: A Critical Comparison of Issue and Risk-based Approaches to Assess Technical Debt Marco di Biase
05-Feb-2020 SERG Lunch: Pull Request Acceptance Xunhui Zhang
04-Feb-2020 Trace aware random testing for distributed systems with probabilistic guarantees Burcu Özkan, MPI-SWS
28-Jan-2020 Advancing Energy Testing of Mobile Apps Reyhaneh Jabbarvand, UC Irvine
23-Jan-2020 Sankie: an AI platform for DevOps Chandra Maddila, Microsoft Research
22-Jan-2020 SERG Lunch: The What, Who and How of Predictable Software Delivery Elvan Kula
16-Jan-2020 Big Code @ Facebook Jason Liu
15-Jan-2020 Reading club: Toward Methodological Guidelines for Process Theories and Taxonomies in Software Engineering SERG
08-Jan-2020 SERG Lunch Anand Sawant
11-Dec-2019 SERG Lunch: The Engineering of Logging: Latest Research & Industry Practices Jeanderson Candido
10-Dec-2019 SERG end-of-the-year dinner
04-Dec-2019 Reading club: The ABC of software engineering research SERG
27-Nov-2019 SERG Lunch: The State of Automated Dependency Updating Services Joseph Hejderup
20-Nov-2019 Reading club: Theory-oriented software engineering SERG
13-Nov-2019 SERG Lunch: LIBTwinSVM Library Amir Mir
11-Nov-2019 Experiments in SE using biometrics SERG MSc students
30-Oct-2019 SERG Lunch: Defect Prediction Luca Pascarella
02-Oct-2019 SERG Lunch: Class Integration Testing (CLING) Pouria Derakhshanfar