The last decade has seen an exponential rise in the popularity of AI and consequently it’s adoption into a multitude of fields ranging from health care, automotive industry and governance. The popularity of “Big Data” along with the development of dedicated hardware to perform arithmetic operations (GPUs, TPUs, FPGAs, etc.) has enabled AI researchers to develop a plethora of machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) models. Significant effort has also been put in improving the performance of said models and accomplish tasks that humans simply cannot do manually. Unfortunately, very little emphasis has been put in the actual methodology of working with AI systems, until now. Software Engineering for Artificial Intelligent (SE4AI) is an emerging field that explores the problems associated with developing software with AI components.


  • Luis Cruz (Assistant Professor, Lead)
  • Arie van Deursen (SERG Lead)
  • Arumoy Shome (Phd Candidate)