Speaker: Jonathan Katzy, Andreea Costea
When: March 19, 2025, 13:45 - 14:45
Where: B28, Hilbert 2.W510

In this edition of our weekly SERG seminar we will have two speakers:

Jonathan Katzy topic TBA

Andreea Costea Bio:
Andreea recently joined TU Delft as an Assistant Professor in the Programming Languages group, focusing on program verification, automated programming, and program repair. Her technical interests revolve around what makes software trustworthy, while at the same time exploring ways to make education and work more fun.

With the rise of LLMs in automatic programming, there is growing interest in ensuring the trustworthiness of their output. However, guaranteeing correctness is challenging, especially since detailed specifications of intended behavior are often missing. This talk explores how to bridge that gap by aligning LLM-generated code with automatically derived formal specifications (from natural language via LLMs) and tests. While this approach doesn’t offer absolute guarantees, it enhances trust by establishing conformance between programs, specifications, and tests—helping to uncover the likely intended behavior.

If you are interested to give a 15 min + 10 talk or host a 25 min discussion session in one of our next meetings, please contact Carolin Brandt via Mattermost or email.