
The presentation is the last block of the course. The grading will cover the following dimensions:

  • Clarity of Presentation/Demo:
    • Is it easy to understant the presented material?
    • Does the presentation/demo have a clear story that is easy to follow?
  • Use of Terminology:
    • Can the team properly communicate what has been done in the project?
    • Are the domain-specific terms used correctly and consistently?
  • Confidence in Discussion:
    • Is it possible to have a good discussion with each individual team member about the design decisions that have been taken in the project?
    • How confident and convincingly are the questions answered?

While every team member will receive individual questions, we will assign a group grade unless there is reason for us to doubt the contributions of individuals. The grade is composed of all the aforementioned high-level dimensions and will be in the Insufficient to Excellent range.

Please note: the presentation is a small component with limited influence on the overall grade.

For us organizers, the main goal of the presentation is to find students that got carried by their team. We want to validate that all team members have contributed to the overall result and can explain the details of the project and lecture contents (see Pass/Fail Criteria).

As a side effect, we will also get to know your project better, which will help us in the grading of all rubrics after you have submitted the final state.

Last modified on Jun 27, 2023 at 21:59.