
Table of contents


Flair is a state-of-the-art open source natural language processing framework developed by Zalando Research. Zalando Research is part of the fashion platform Zalando that aims to scale technology in fashion with the power of experimentation in theory and in practice. Flair released in July 2018 and is a novel approach where natural language modeling is leveraged to learn powerful, contextualized representations of human language from large corpora. Such representations possess a multitude of semantic and syntactic information that can be used to directly improve downstream NLP tasks.

The standout features of this powerful NLP library lies in the usage of Named Entity Recognition (NER), part-of-speech (PoS) tagging classification and sense disambiguation. It boasts support for a variety of languages and continues to grow with the help of many contributors. It consists of taggers that are ‘one model, many languages’, that is, a single model can predict the PoS or NER tags for given input text in various languages. Flair also provides a text embedding library with simple interfaces that allow for usage and combination of different word and document embeddings including the proposed Flair embeddings, BERT and ELMo embeddings. It is built directly on PyTorch which allows for ease of use in training and experimenting with models.


Stakeholders in a software system refers to the individual, team or organisation that have interest in said system being realized. Each of these stakeholders have their vested interests and needs from the system. A myriad of stakeholders are involved in activites such as building, testing, debugging, etc. It is imperative to identify individuals or groups that are likely to affect or be affected by a proposed action and sorting them according to their interactions. Stakeholder analysis is done so as to identify and prioritize the role of the stakeholders.

We use the description of stakeholders obtained from Rozanski and Woods 1 to classify stakeholders. These stakeholders will be mentioned as Main Stakeholders. Stakeholders not part of the Rozanski and Woods classification, are described as Other Stakeholders.

Main stakeholders

Type Description
Acquirers In Flair, control is orchestrated by Zalando which works on several real world problems. The researchers work on problems with the academic community, synergising with company objectives. Achievements of Flair will allow Zalando to properly utilize their resources.
Assessors The conformance of Flair to research standards is regulated by Zalando. The quality assurance is divided within contributors at the GitHub repository. Alan Akbik, who wrote Contextal String Embeddings for Sequence Labeling with Duncan Blythe and Roland Vollgraf, mainly oversees the commits along with Dr. Kashif Rasul and Tanja Bergmann.
Communicators Communicators act as conveyers of system specifications. To follow updates of Flair, watching the repository on GitHub is one way, followed by updates on their website. Akbik, Bergmann and Rasul are the communicators, which allows them to understand insights provided by other contributors.
Developers Initial attribution goes to the research team for their work on the paper. The other contributions come from developers and researchers. This allows the original developers to gauge the performance of the framework and identify areas of potential growth. Akbik has the most commits with 445, followed by Bergmann with 276, and Rasul with 31. GitHub users such as Stefan Schweter are active during development. There are 36 contributors.
Maintainers Bug fixes and maintenance are handled by both the developers and GitHub contributors. The maintainers are Akbik and Bergmann. They maintain the development of the library and check for functionality and version control.
Production Engineers Potential Production Engineers, would want to manage releases and run tests on builds. At the moment, the task is relegated to staff developers. The focus should also be on ensuring that the library performs efficiently. The deployment of Flair is the responsibility of users.
Suppliers The infrastructure used is that from the user’s side and therefore the users in a way are also suppliers of hardware in addition to Zalando. GitHub is also a supplier as it provides a common platform for contributors to develop. Google Colab provides alternatives for hardware constraints.
Support Staff The Zalando Research team acts as support staff. Per Ploug acts as an intermediary between the external contributors and Flair developers. This also includes Henning Jacobs, the Head of Developer Productivity at Zalando SE. Her team uses various tools to measure productivity of the developers.
System Administrators Since the library is used by users, they become system administrators themselves. This is also overseen by the Zalando team. System administrators are given the role of identifying issues with data associated with labeling and embeddings, performance problems and deviations from the desired non-functional performance requirements.
Testers Testers in Flair are the core developers and other members of the research team. This includes Akbik, Rasul, Bergmann, Nikolay Jetchev and external testers include GitHub users such as Schweter, David Batista, and Nilabhra Chowdhury.
Users The functionality of the system is used by students, researchers and companies. The scope of the project is understood mainly by people already well versed in NLP. Flair is already part of several in-production systems at Zalando, as machine learning has become a natural part of their engineering toolbox.

Table 2.1: Main stakeholders of Flair

Flair's Stakeholders

Other stakeholders

Researchers and Scientists: They use the system to research and present findings. The use of embeddings and labelling in tagging are of vital interest.

Competitors: The most widely known library is NLTK which supports tasks like classification, tokenization, stemming and semantic reasoning. It is difficult to use and considerably slow. Gensim is a Python library that specializes in identifying semantic similarities between two documents through vector space modeling.

Translators: At the moment, the NLP tasks can be performed on languages such as English, Dutch, Spanish, German, Polish and a few others. Other languages are not supported yet and Flair invites developers to contribute to the corpora and the embeddings list in order to support more languages

Enthusiasts: There are several students and developers who are interested in performing NLP tasks and would therefore find contributing to Flair an exciting way to broaden their horizons.

Bloggers/Social Media: They are unambigous and provide reliable sources of information for new developers to start contributing. They also help bring the project into limelight. This article is an example of a website providing a tutorial and this article is an example of a blogger sharing their insights.

Sponsors: Even though the library is an open source, it originated from the Research Team at Zalando. Setting up of architecture and funding for research is provided by Zalando. The results of the research are essential for Zalando to further its business operations.

Integrators: Integrators are the architects and core developers of Flair who are responsible for maintaining code standard and consistency of Flair. Developers like Akbik and Bergmann are the main integrators here. To keep the framework stable, they merge Pull Requests (PR) which they successfully align with their versions of sources and languages. When a new module is added, they check if the change is needed and also verify documentation changes. This procedure helps maintain the quality of the framework, keeping it open source as well. To discuss the challenges of the integrators, one important aspect noticed is that sometimes, a major part of the PR works on test set whereas a small part does not give expected test result. In these cases, the PR is not directly closed. It is kept as open, the integrators comment on the errors they face, and suggest what changes can be created to overcome that. Sometimes, the same contributor makes the required changes or other contributors have a chance to solve the issue as well. After reviewing the code and checking for errors, the PR that meet their requirements are merged.

Stakeholder analysis: Power vs Interest Grid

Based on Mendelow’s Power vs Interest Grid 2, the groups of stakeholders necessary to be managed closely are classified.

Power-Interest grid

The Power Interest Grid for Flair is used to classify the groups of stakeholders necessary to be managed. Most of the stakeholders mentioned earlier are included in the Grid. While users have a high interest in Flair, suppliers do not. Suppliers have more power and should they decide to stop supplying, then Zalando will have to adapt their products accordingly. The contributors, maintainers and developers need to be managed closely because of their inherent interest in the product and the power they hold in influencing design and development.

Relevant people to contact

By analyzing the online community around Flair we found that the following people are the most involved in the project. The relevant people and persons of interests were identified and can be found in Appendix B.

Context View

Context view describes a software’s dependencies, integrations, scope, responsibilities and interface with external entities. In Flair’s context, we will show a context view diagram, discuss the system scope and analyze the interfaces with all its external entities.

Context View diagram

System scope

Flair is a research project of Zalando Research, in the area of NLP. Flair is a cutting edge NLP framework, advancing over all the other existing methodologies. The scope of Flair is well defined and its current version includes the following capabilities 3.

External entities and interfaces

Development View

Through the theory of development view, we address several aspects of the system development process. Due to the associated complexity of the framework being built, the expertise of the core developers and technologies used are discussed. In the following sections Module Organization, Common Design models and Codeline models are discussed.

Architecture of language model esed in Flair

The diagram describes a general language model used by Flair. The structure varies based on the kind of embeddings. We start from the bottom, where a sentence is put in as a character sequence into a pre-trained bidirectional Character Language Model (CLM). From this CLM, they retrieve for each word a contextual embedding by extracting the first and last character cell states. This word embedding is then passed into a sequence labeler, such as a vanilla BiLSTM-CRF, achieving robust state-of-the-art results on downstream tasks.

Module structure and organization

In this section, we detail Flair’s module organization, as well as important dependencies between modules, in order to obtain a good understanding of Flair’s code structure, based on 1. The inter dependency of the modules are shown in Figure 4.2.

Module Organization of Flair

The projects is run directly on a single repository. It is seen that there is high cohesion and low coupling. The high cohesion stems from the model and test module and the low coupling can be seen from the division of several modules for only certain associated functionalities.

Common design model

This section covers Flair’s Common Design Model. Commonality across different versions of Flair is done by defining a set of strict design constraints.

Common processing

In Flair there is common processing among different elements in order to simplify the integration of code units and scripts. We discuss the common processing elements here.

Standardization of design

The Flair repository has the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct and Contribution guidelines. There is provision of tutorials that provides guidelines for setting up the libraries and embeddings, using pre-trained models, adding your own corpus to train your own models and to train embeddings.

Standardization of Testing

The standards of testing in Flair are mainly dependent upon integration checks and verification of pull requests that developers make. In this section, the tools used for testing purposes are discussed.

Standard software components

Codeline models

Directory organization of Flair and simplified version of the directory strcuture with added explanation

Technical Debt

Technical debt is a metaphor that describes the immature artifact in the process of software development, that causes an additional rework because of choosing an easy solution over a better approach that would take a longer time to implement. Main reasons for technical debt are leaving the tasks undone, copying and pasting a piece of code, negligence to lessen the code complexity, incomplete unit testing, and lack of proper documentation. In this section, we will discuss the technical debt and its handling by the community. For this purpose, we used two tools, Pylint and SonarQube to analyze the code quality of Flair.


Pylint is a bug and quality checker for Python which follows the style recommended by Python style guide PEP 8. Pylint gave the package an overall rating of 7.08 and detected 1168 violations. Although, we note that some of the violations are not major. For example, 418 violations due to lines that are too long, i.e. they have more than 100 characters and 124 violations are caused by invalid variable or argument names that do not conform to the recommended naming style.

As shown in Figure 5.1, we see the second most common violation is missing docstrings. It is necessary to put docstrings on functions, methods, modules, and classes in order to preserve maintainability of the software, as docstrings would allow other contributors to better understand what the specific part of the code does.

Pylint also found one important violation, in that the module embeddings.py contain 1939 lines, which is almost double the recommended 1000 lines. This also affects maintainability of the code as a very big module is harder to maintain and might end up causing unnecessary dependencies when extended.

Top 15 violations detected by pylint


SonarQube is a framework that detect bugs, code smells, duplicate code, and security vulnerabilities of a program in many languages, including Python.

Technical debt of each module


SonarQube detected 18 bugs in Flair codebase. All the 18 bugs are major issues, and hence the code quality has been graded as C. All the bugs are related to the useless assignment to variables. They have no such impact on program functioning but useless variables consume the CPU memory which reduces the performance while training heavy data in Flair. These can be fixed by either removing the redundant variable or by assigning it some different value that was intended for the assignment instead.

Detected bugs


Vulnerability detected by SonarQube is 0%, that means code quality is very good from security point of view. The code quality has been graded as A.

Code quality

Code smells

Code smells are one of the major contributors to technical debts, and indicates the weakness of the code, and may cause the increased risk of failures or bugs. They are not actually bugs and do not cause any hindrance in program functioning. Total 61 Code Smells detected by SonarQube, most of them are related to Cognitive complexity, that asks for changing the logic of the program because of inclusion of nested loops or conditional statements. As Flair is an NLP library and needs to train large amount of data. So it takes a lot of time to train. These code smells therefore makes the program slower as well as increases the chance of failure or bugs in future. So, fixing these will bolster the performance of Flair.

Code smells


One of the worst coding practices is duplication. Duplicating a block of code not only replicates the potential issues but also breaches the coding standards. SonarQube has detected 668 duplicated lines in 5 duplicated files. An overall of 7.2% duplication is detected in Flair codebase. The duplications are due to similar functions performed for counting the embedding length of different embedding classes. This could be removed by implementing a base function in the abstract base class that could be used by the different child classes.

Line duplications

Dependencies on developers

It is noticeable that the product development is highly dependent on two of the core developers, Akbik and Bergmann. A huge difference between the contributions of these two and the other developers of the product can be seen in the graph below. This has created a high risk of project collapse in case one or both core developers leave the team. Ideally, there must not be too much dependency on a single developer, instead majority of the developer community must be equally contributing.

Main developers

TODO and FIXME comments

TODO or FIXME are the special type of comments that can be added inside the line or block comments for any future references of possible changes, areas of improvements, and optimizations. It is a good indication of technical debt.

We found 2 TODO comments in 2 files in Flair’s codebase. This is a very low number for TODO comments. This can be seen in different ways. Firslty, they might be fixing TODO tasks on time and not piling them up in code, which actually is an ideal coding practice. Secondly, they might have removed the comments and have logged an issue instead in GitHub, which actually is a better practice rather than keeping it inside code and creating techincal debt.

The small number of TODO comments is actually an indication of good coding practice, but still these remaining ones needs to be fixed.

Testing debt

A part of technical debt is to measure how thoroughly the software is tested. This is also called the testing debt of the system. Even though a program may be tested regularly after a change is made in the code, it is important that all modules of the program are covered by the tests. In other words, we need to ensure that the code coverage is high.

Testing procedure

Flair uses Travis CI to test their product. Each commit to the git repository will trigger a build on Travis CI where a virtual environment on Travis CI’s server will be set up. All the required packages will then be installed in this virtual environment, then the test modules under the tests/ directory will be run in this virtual environment. The code must pass all the tests. There are 12 tests in total.

Code coverage

Pytest is a framework that can be used to both test and report the code coverage of a Python program. We used this tool to find Flair’s code coverage, then we sent the results to coveralls where the well-tested and less-tested modules are shown in detail.

The result tells us that only 1912 of 4295 relevant lines (44.52%) have been hit at least once by one of the test cases. In Figure 5.8, we see that visual is the most well-tested module while trainers is the least well-tested one.

Although the code coverage seems rather low in most of the files and modules, a closer look into the lines missed revealed that many of them are contained within an if block. This means that the if conditions are not satisfied during the tests. Considering that Flair is a language processing framework that needs to have different processes for different languages and the fact that the tests only use resources in English, it makes total sense that the code coverage would be rather low.

Code coverage of each module

Actions to improve testing

As discussed earlier that many conditions are not hit due to the separated conditions for each language, the testing could then be improved by augmenting the test resources. Although, we also note that this could drastically improve the testing time.

Discussions about technical debt

There are no discussions about the technical debt between the developers, which is quite shocking. It seems like they are not using any code quality tools. Regardless, the code quality is of the highest level, which actually is a good thing. However, its highly recommended to use one so as to avoid having any future technical debts.

Payment of technical debt

We tried to pay the technical debt by improving the code quality from Grade C to Grade A. This is done by fixing all the 18 major bugs that are detected in SonarQube, to now have 0 bugs in the system. Same source code style is used as in project and its ensured that no new bugs are introduced because of this fix. A pull request (#616) has been created in the master branch of the project Flair, which is still pending and needs to be approved by the owner and then merged. Also, the code build was verified and passed in Travis CI.

Detected bugs after change

Pull request

Evolution perspective

Development of Flair was started in the summers of 2018 by Zalando Research and is licensed under MIT 3. It was made an open source Python project by Zalando SE in June, 2018 3. Its based on the research done by Akbik et al. Akbik is the main developer since the start of the project and still is the head developer.

The first draft of the project Version 0.1.0 was released on Jul 13, 2018 3. Since then, 998 commits have been done to the master and 7 different versions have been released, with Version 0.4.1 being the latest 3. Technical debt is paid in every release by timely fixing bugs. Also, code is being reorganized if needed, which helps in reducing technical debt like duplications. Documentation is done for every new feature add or for any updation. Different new features were added and improvements were done over the period of time in different releases. Some of the key features of different releases are shown in Figure 5.12.

There are 93 issues still open, and 294 are closed 3. Most of the open issues are of question label, but the bug count must be kept zero. Also, there are 6 pending pull requests, which must also be taken into consideration.

Code frequency

Flair's releases

Functional View

Functional view mainly describes systems architectural elements. It explains about primary interactions between the functional elements, their exposed interfaces and their responsibilities 1.

Functional capabilities

Functional capabilities define what the system is required to do and what it is not required to do 1. Flair has many capabilities and some of the most vital ones are listed in the table below.

Modules Description
embeddings.BytePairEmbeddings Supports 275 languages. Very useful for training small models. This can also be used in sequence tagging.
embeddings.TransformerXLEmbeddings As proposed by Dai et al. [?], this embeddings address the limitation of fixed-length contexts, as a notion of recurrence is introduced by reusing the representations from the history.
embeddings.ELMoTransformerEmbeddings Uses a bidirectional recurrent neural network to predict the next word in a text.
embeddings.DocumentRNNEmbeddings This class allows to choose which type of RNN to use.
embeddings.FlairEmbeddings Trained without any explicit notion of words and model words as sequences of characters. Same word will have different embeddings depending on its contextual use.
embeddings.WordEmbeddings Supports pre-trained FastText Embeddings for 30 languages: English, German, Dutch, Italian, French, Spanish, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Czech, Polish, Finnish, Bulgarian, Portuguese, Slovenian, Slovakian, Romanian, Serbian, Croatian, Catalan, Russian, Hindi, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hebrew, Turkish, Persian, Indonesian.
data_fetcher.NLPTaskDataFetcher This can be used to load different datasets using the load_corpus() function.
trainers.ModelTrainer This is used to train a user’s own language model embeddings. It supports multi-dataset training using a MultiCorpus object.
models.LanguageModel Container module that has an encoder, a recurrent module, and a decoder.
models.TextClassifier The module takes word embeddings, puts them into an RNN to obtain a text representation, and puts the text representation in the end into a linear layer to get the actual class label.
models.SequenceTagger Contains several pre-trained English and Multilingual models, which include Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Part-of-Speech Tagging (POS). The function load() can be called with the appropriate string to load a model.

Table 6.1: Some of Flair’s most vital modules

Functional structure model

Flair has three major functional elements: embeddings, model trainer, and train and file utitilies. Flair uses its train and file utilities to read corpus objects with which a model can be trained. There are several different embedding classes that Flair provides, but all of these embeddings can be classified into three types: BERT, ELMo, and Flair embedding classes. The user can choose to perform a named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging, and sequence tagging using one of these embeddings.

Flair's functional structure model diagram

Performance and scalability perspective


Task Language Dataset Flair Previous best
Named Entity Recognition English Conll-03 93.18 92.22 (Peters et al., 2018)
Named Entity Recognition English Ontonotes 89.3 86.28 (Chiu et al., 2016)
Emerging Entity Detection English WNUT-17 49.49 45.55 (Aguilar et al., 2018)
Part-of-Speech tagging English WSJ 97.85 97.64 (Choi, 2016)
Chunking English Conll-2000 96.72 96.36 (Peters et al., 2017)
Named Entity Recognition German Conll-03 88.27 78.76 (Lample et al., 2016)
Named Entity Recognition German Germeval 84.65 79.08 (Hänig et al, 2014)
Named Entity Recognition Dutch Conll-03 90.44 81.74 (Lample et al., 2016)
Named Entity Recognition Polish PolEval-2018 86.6
(Borchmann et al., 2018)
85.1 (PolDeepNer)

Table 7.1: Comparison with state-of-the art

As shown in Table 7.1, Flair outperforms the previous best in different range of NLP tasks like Chunking, Named Entity Recognition, Part-of-Speech tagging. It supports best embedding configurations for each task. The performance is measured over evaluation datasets, and the F1 score for each dataset is calculated by averaging over five runs 4. In the latest release Version 0.4.1, there is a huge improvement in the training speed compared to the previous versions of Flair (2x training speed for language models)4.

Flair achieved optimal results in text classification outperforming Facebook's FastText in accuracy & Google’s AutoML Natural Language in training speed on Kaggle’s SMS Spam Detection Dataset 5. Flair model achieved an f1-score of 0.973 after 10 epochs while FastText achieved f1-score of 0.883 5. It beats AutoML in terms of training speed and achieved slightly better accuracy than it 6.


Scalabiity with regards to Flair involves handling larger corpus of text in a quick manner with appropriately scaled usage of hardware. It is difficult to gauge the growth of Flair considering the increase in data set size. Although, until now it has been able to handle vast sizes of corpora. The model has had many scalability improvements over throughout its releases.

Scalability Issue Details
Language model optimizations Lowers default dropout rate and only send mini-batches to GPU for better GPU memory usage.
Data loading Implemented Pytorch capability to load in parallel Dataset and DataLoader classes which cuts training time in half.
Hardware requirements Usage of a centralizeed hardware resource is proposed similar to Google Colab.
Implementation changes Faster inferencing by presorting sequences and embeddings are cleared after processing each batch, thereby saving a lot of RAM.
Optimizations Changes made to the hyper parameters and other memory tweaks.
External dependencies Since the framework depends on CUDA for training, changes made to their implementation must be reflected in Flair. This included memory and parameter tweaks.

Table 7.2: Scalability changes

From a technical standpoint, the data must no longer be loaded in big batches onto RAM directly, instead, it must be asynchronously loaded to the disk. Other tasks such as regression must also be supported by the framework and addition of such features is made easy. Multiple-tasks learning can be included along with multi-GPU support with the changes to the new CUDA semantics. These features while make scaling of Flair easier.


Flair provides an innovative framework for natural language processing. Within a short period of time, Flair has grown fast and challenges existing NLP frameworks. This growth has been possible through their specific code of conduct for code writing and analysis, constant code quality, and well structured documentation. We have analyzed Flair through various perspectives and viewpoints to have an insight on its internal workings. Its well-built architecture, integration between different modules though maintained common processing, standardization of design and testing has helped Flair to provide a good performance.


A. Pull requests analysis

The pull requests made through github are analysed using standard code of conduct. The code of conduct includes naming conventions, way of codes, standard of code and versions of sources used. This strict follow up of the conduct makes the original code and merged codes quite readable and easily understandable also. Whenever new modules are added, emphasis is given in order to update the documentation as well. As mentioned earlier, integrators check for code standard and versions of PR before the merge. On the other hand, the opened issues that are solved by other contributors in separate PR are closed. This does lead to less confusion about PRs. The closed PRs are sometimes those who are considered to be not at all matching their base mark and also totally unstructured. Also, naming conventions sometimes become a major reason for closed PRs.

ID Pull Request Status Details
#399 Add new ELMoTransformerEmbeddings class merged In this pull request, the contributor adds new class named ‘ELMoTransformerEmbeddings’ for Parts of speech tagging. In NLP, PoS tagging is an important step towards processing. The new class gets embeddings from a transformer-based ELMo model from another contributor @brendan-ai2 which one uses for training. The allennlp library is used for PoS tagging. Though the version of allennlp used was not yet updated in the flair main system, so testing was separately done and this successful testing outside the main system with latest version of allennlp suggested a good merge. So, it is merged but as experimental.
#523 GH-522: Transformer-XL embeddings merged This PR adds a new embedding class for Transformer-XL model. Initially the tokens from a sentence were returned with tokens tag only bur this also included enumerated token tags. Also, the F-score of the tests increases a lot with the new embedding and the PR was accepted.
#473 GH-438: added byte pair embeddings merged It embeds BPEmb library for for sequential tagging. It adds the BPEmbSerializable (BPEmb) class which embeds sequential tagging using torch library in tensors. It was accepted because the sequential tagging can also be deserialized when required like updating the cache_dir variable. The changes are merged after the development of the software and launch.
#164 Added class-based metrics merged This basically improves the metric class through updating the TextClassifierTrainer function and removing calculate_class_metrics and the calculate_micro_avg_metric. The changes are merged after the development of the software and launch.
#538 Adds Attentional BiLSTM in the Text Classification architecture merged Flair used standard BiLSTM model for text classification whereas this PR introduces Attentional BiLSTM model for this. The basic introduction faces error especially for training. So, the new PR generated with code updates were accepted with Attentional BiLSTM model. The PR was merged after launch of initial version.
#557 Fix permission error in Windows merged This fixes issue #548. It was unable to delete the file which was previously opened (thus, marked locked). More precisely, mkstemp() opens the file, which then creates a lock on the file, therefore prohibiting Windows from deleting it.The updated function mktemp() does not do this. SInce it does not create the lock, files can be deleted when necessary.
#551 GH-550: Fix bert model check merged This PR fixes an #550 which occurred due to a code fix mistake from the #523. The issue raised becaused the code did not include bert_model in BERT_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_MAP.keys(). The inclusion of the model was tested successfully and merged.
#555 Remove BERT_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_MAP check to support Custom models merged This issue was due to version change of pytorch-pretrained-bert. This issue was also raised at #554. the BERT_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_MAP was removed from the model as solution.
#71 GH-38: Add label class for sentences to hold label name and confidence value merged It introduces a new class lebel which creates new label for the sentence. Each label has name and confidence value (between 0 and 1). It is used to predict return label/tag plus confidence value. It was merged after the development and launch of the system.
#519 Added PubMed embeddings computed by @jessepeng merged A character LM over PubMed abstracts was calculated by @jessepeng. This PR embeds the PubMed to the system with FlairEmbeddings model. Additionally, it needed a few details like batch size, layers, hidden size, train size etc for the documentation which was added by this PR. It was merged after the development and launch of the system.
#88 embeddings.py 213 214 a warning closed GitHub user @wuwingzhou828 proposed a change to certain lines of code in the section where the standard static word embeddings are defined including GloVe or FastText. It pertained to an if statement, where in case a certain precomputed word embedding already existed that particular embedding is fetched using the token.test parameter. Initially the change is accepted by Alan Akbik but merging is held on until all test were completed. However, the user made some errors in the correction as well and therefore the request was closed by Tanja Bergmann.
#490 GH-68 Bert update closed Pull request was made to clear issue #68 regarding the implementation of a pipeline by a transformer based model implemented by OpenAI. The issues pertaining to addition of transformer models are discussed. They added Bert embeddings to the library. As a result the pull request refers to changes in the files setup.py and pytorch, thereby updating the BERT version. However, a newer version updated by user stefan-it was released with the updates made in Flair version 0.6.1.
#22 GH-226: add safeguard for non-tokenized input closed User @jfilter opened a request to address the issue of a ValueError if the input is not whitespace tokenized and no tokenizer is used and therefore causes an infinite loop. However, the issue was already fixed in GH-232: multi dataset training #236
#494 calculate macro-f-score as average of class f scores closed There was probably an error in calculation of macro F1. Flair is taking average of class precisions and recalls and then calculates F1. As far as is known, it should be F1 calculated over classes and then averaged. This issue is fixed in #521. Hence the pull request is closed by Alan Akbik. This pertains to the initial fix not working in updated version which was then fixed in a later pull request. Therefore this pull request is deprecated by the fixes made in the newer pull request.
#246 GH-243: dataset downloader closed This refers to the dataset downloader and updates made to the dependencies and corpora. The DataFetcher would now download corpora by checking its availability. However, the updated library did not pass one of two tests to check for validity and the request was closed.
#13 GH-12: naming conventions closed Request made by Alan Akbik to update the naming conventions associated with module imports, training classes and embedding classes. Changes were deprecated with new pull request that was merged - GH-12 naming conventions #14. This allowed for better class and file matchings and easier imports of embeddings.
#455 master closed Pull request to make several commits made in personal branch to the Flair master branch. It was a mistake on the part of the user gccome and requests were made to the maintainers to delete the particular PR. Good example of the role of maintainers and support staff.
#443 GH-387: long text embeddings closed References to an issue reported by several users that when training on GPU with very long sequence of words, there is an out-of-memory error. This is due to the batch being padded with the length of the longest sequence which is then put into the LSTM. Solved this by breaking the long string in chunks that are fed sequentially into the Language Model. This therefore results in the removal of the long text embeddings branch due to deprecation and failure to comply with tests.
#131 GH-61: Visualizations closed Initially opened to address visualization requests such as visualization of weight traces during training and states in character LM. Pull request deprecated by changes made in GH-61: Visualizations #132. Being able to visualize the training patterns allows the users to better understand the process of training the embeddings.
#21 GH-19: simplify sequence tagger closed Initially made to add learning rate scheduler to SequenceTaggerTrainer for easing the use of Sequence Tagging. Also provided auto-spawn into GPU for the models removing the move-to-GPU commands that would otherwise be required that are quite cumbersome and redundant.

Table A.1: 10 merged and 10 closed pull requests in Flair

B. Contact persons

Name GitHub Role Twitter
Alan Akbik @alanakbik Zalando, Developer and Maintainer @alan_akbik
Duncan Blythe @blythed Zalando, Developer -
Henning Jacobs @hjacobs Zalando, Head of Developer Productivity @try_except_
Tanja Bergmann @tabergma Zalando, Developer and Maintainer -
Per Ploug @perploug Zalando, Open Source Manager @pploug
Kashiv Rasul @kashif Zalando, Developer @krasul
Stefan Schweter @stefan-it Munich Digitization Centre at the Bavarian State Library, Developer -

Table B.1: People most involved in Flair’s development


  1. Rozanski, N. & Woods, E. (2011). Software Systems Architecture: Working with Stakeholders Using Viewpoints and Perspectives. Addison-Wesley.  2 3 4

  2. Mendelow, A. L. (1981, December). Environmental Scanning-The Impact of the Stakeholder Concept. In ICIS (p. 20). 

  3. Flair. (2019, February). zalandoresearch/flair: A very simple framework for state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP) 2 3 4 5 6

  4. https://gitlab.ewi.tudelft.nl/in4315/2018-2019/TI3125TU-swa-12-flair/swa-12-flair/blob/master/report.md#ref3  2

  5. Magajna, T. (2018). Text Classification with State of the Art NLP Library — Flair 2

  6. Magajna, T. (2019). How to Beat Google’s AutoML - Hyperparameter Optimisation with Flair