IN4315 - Software Architecture
The main book in this course is:
Nick Rozanski and Eoin Woods. Software Systems Architecture: Working with Stakeholders Using Viewpoints and Perspectives. Addison-Wesley, 2012, 2nd edition.
Previous DESOSA books
A good source of inspiration can be the previous editions of this course:
- Arie van Deursen, Andy Zaidman, Maurício Aniche, Liam Clark, Gijs Weterings and Romi Kharisnawan (editors). Delft Students on Software Architecture (DESOSA)., TU Delft, 2018.
- Arie van Deursen and Maurício Aniche and Andy Zaidman and Valentine Mairet and Sander van den Oever (editors). Delft Students on Software Architecture (DESOSA)., TU Delft, 2017.
- Arie van Deursen and Maurício Aniche and Joop Aué (editors). Delft Students on Software Architecture (DESOSA)., TU Delft, 2016.
- Arie van Deursen and Rogier Slag (editors). Delft Students on Software Architecture (DESOSA)., TU Delft, 2015.
- Arie van Deursen, Alex Nederlof, and Eric Bouwers. Teaching Software Architecture: With GitHub! (blog December 2013,
- Arie van Deursen, Mauricio Finavaro Aniche, Joop Aué, Rogier Slag, Michael de Jong, Alex Nederlof, Eric Bouwers: A Collaborative Approach to Teaching Software Architecture. SIGCSE 2017: 591-596.
- Zach Holman. How GitHub uses GitHub to Build GitHub. RubyConf, September 2011.
- Diomides Spinellis and Georgios Gousios (editors). Beautiful Architecture: Leading Software Engineers Explain How They Think. O’Reilly Media, 2009.
- Amy Brown and Greg Wilson (editors). The Architecture of Open Source Applications. Volumes 1-2, 2012.
- Software Architecture Wikipedia page (thoughtfully and substantially edited by the IFIP Working Group on Software Architecture in 2012)
- Ruth Malan. Visual Software Architecting. SATURN 2017. slides (pdf), slideshare
- Georgios Gousios, Andy Zaidman, Margaret-Anne Storey, and Arie van Deursen. Work Practices and Challenges in Pull-Based Development: The Integrator’s Perspective. In proceedings International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2015). blog post, full paper
- Sven Apel, Don Batory, Christian Kästner, Gunter Saake. Feature-Oriented Software Product Lines: Concepts and Implementation. Springer-Verlag, 2013 (SpringerLink, available via TU Delft network).
- Iago Abal, Claus Brabrand, and Andrzej Wasowski. “42 Variability Bugs in the Linux Kernel: A Qualitative Analysis”. Automated Software Engineering, 2014. pdf
- David Parnas “On the design and development of program families”. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 1976. full paper (requires the university network)
- Axel Halin, Alexandre Nuttinck, Mathieu Acher, Xavier Devroey, Gilles Perrouin, Patrick Heymans. Yo Variability! JHipster: A Playground for Web-Apps Analyses. 11th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems, Feb 2017, Eindhoven, Netherlands. pp.44 - 51, 2017