Strong AI4SE presence at ICSE 2024
22 April 2024
From April 15-21, the flagship ACM/IEEE International Conference in Software Engineering (ICSE 2024) took place in Lisbon, Portugal. Researchers from both JetBrains and TU Delft were prominently present at this conference and its co-located events (just search for JetBrains or Delft in the program, and you’ll find dozens of entries).
Joint JetBrains / TU Delft work included:
- The jointly organized tool competition at Search-Based and Fuzz Testing (SBFT).
- The tool demonstration and tutorial of TestSpark, a plugin for generating unit tests that natively integrates different AI-based test generation tools and techniques in the IDE (paper).
- A literature survey on in-IDE human-AI experience in the era of large language models, presented at the IDE workshop (arxiv link).
Other notable events directly relevant to AI4SE include:
- The first edition of the IDE Workshop, which attracted over 50 participants with a highly interactive discussion-focused format.
- The keynote by Nikita Koval from JetBrains at the IDE Workshop on concurrency testing in the IDE.
- The ICSE research track paper providing a practical evaluation of large language models for code, based on the code4me (IntelliJ and VS Code) plugins (arxiv).
- The presentation of a (negative) result on code readability and large language models, presented at the International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC) (arxiv).
Lastly, on ICSE’s Friday around 15 AI4SE members and researchers from JetBrains and TU Delft met for a group meeting and dinner in the beautiful city of Lisbon.
IDE Workshop poster session. Image credit: Yaroslav Golubev